Applying Law of Attraction To Daily Life e-Workshop

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This series explores the Law of Attraction as presented in movies such as THE SECRET and Louise Hay's YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE.

It is ideal for those who are fed up with settling for whatever life throws at them and ready to consciously begin living life with design and intention.

Various resources are used including  Esther Hicks' ASK AND IT IS GIVEN and Lynn Grabhorn's EXCUSE ME YOUR LIFE IS WAITING PLAYBOOK.

Participants come together weekly via an "on-line meeting room" to identify, examine, and release beliefs and behaviors that stand in the way of their goals. All meetings are facilitated by the instructor.



"After watching 'The Secret,' I couldn't wait to transform my life. I quickly discovered that watching a movie is one thing - putting the ideas into practice is another. This series showed us step-by-step how to utilize Law of Attraction  principles to enhance our lives. 

R. N.

Target Audience

Those who are seeking a deeper understanding of The Law of Attraction and how to apply it




4 weeks

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