Heal Your Life
Internationally known spiritual teacher, Louise Hay, believes that when you LOVE AND ACCEPT YOURSELF as you are, you throw open the door to positive change. In this series, based on Louise's life-changing book and movie, YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE, a small, close-knit group poses this weekly question to each other: "What are you telling yourself and who would you be if you could let go of that story?" The group comes together weekly via an "on-line meeting room" to identify, examine, and release beliefs and behaviors that stand in their way. All meetings are facilitated by the instructor who encourages an atmosphere of safety and trust. "Your life experience gives you a lot of credibility. I'd rather be led by someone like you who knows the path I walk."
Carol Noble,
"This workshop and the friends I made there are a treasure. With Cara's warm, gentle guidance, I'm moving back into alignment with my true self." Heidi, Mortgage Banker
"I had lost
myself in my job and Sherry , Public Relations Consultant
"During this series, I suddenly realized I deserved a lot better than I'd been settling for in my dead-end relationship." Tom
"This series helped me see that dwelling on how much I disliked my job was actually keeping me stuck there! By the end of the series, I had gone into business for myself." DiAnne, Public Relations Consultant Target Audience Those who are ready to let go of the limited thinking or negative self-talk that is keeping them stuck. Cost $199 Duration 4 weeks to register or ask a question
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