Feng Shui Design Solutions For Realtors IN-PERSON WORKSHOP 2 MCE credits Click here to register or ask a question
In addition, realtors who represent clients seeking a "Feng Shui-correct" home will better understand what types of houses to show them. Typically held at a listing site, participants can immediately practice what they are learning. To enhance the learning experience, participants are encouraged to sketch and analyze their own house plans while in class. This is a 2-hour workshop. Participants receive 2 non-legal MCE credits for attending. |
Target Audience Realtors who would like a basic under-standing of Feng Shui in order to better serve their clients, both buyers and sellers -- 2 MCE credits Cost Special pricing for licensed agents: $20 Call 512-914-3076 or click here to be notified of the next class date and location
Click here to register or ask a question RELATED WORKSHOPS Change Your Space, Change Your Life! De-Cluttering: Paring Down To Clarity Feng Shui |
@2005 Living Well Designs @2002 Spicy Spaces . All Rights Reserved |